Do you own a business? Remember, website and facebook is just a begining. You should add your business listing to local business listing such as Google Local (Google Map), Yelp, Yellow Pages etc. These listing are free and will benefit your business in multiple ways. I typically start by creating a secondary business email. For example, when I was working on the Rangoli Sweets website, I used a secondary email id to create these accounts. As part of the listing you will add a brief description of your business, a link to your website, your contact phone numbers, your business logo and pictures, hours of operation etc. Prepare this information in a word document so you can copy paste as needed. Following is a quick list of local business listing. Please feel free to comment and add additional listings. You can see a comprehensive list of local listing at I suggest you start with top 4-5 local listing such as Google local, Yelp, Facebook local business and then expand your reach. You can always purchase Ynext Plans to make this process easy for you.

  1. Google Local & Google Map – The google page shows step by step process of adding your business listing to Google Local & Google Map.
  2. Yelp
  3. Bing Local & Map –
  4. Yahoo Local –
  5. Citysearch –
  6. Facebook local business page
  7. Pinterest
  8. Foursquare (yes there are people who still check-in using foursquare)
  9. Yellow Pages
  10. Zomato –
  11. Google+
  12. Twitter
  13. YouTube
  14. Mapquest
  15. Apple Map –
  16. White Pages
  17. Superpages
  19. eLocal –
  20. merchantcircle –
  21. –
  22. –
  23. AOL Yellow Pages –
  24. Angie’s List –
  25. Better Business Bureau (BBB) –