RangoliSweetsFlorida.com website is very close to my heart. The owner of the business, Narayan ji, is very good in his business. He is an expert in making sweets and food catering. He has grown his business to entire Central Florida in last 12 years. Similar to many other successful business man, Narayan ji, is not an expert in web and digital presence. He knew that he need a website and need correction in the Google Local listing. My job was to come up with something that he will like. It was a guessing game and my first attempt was completely wrong. He loved my second attempt in which i added royal background etc. After some modification we were on track.

Google Local listing was wrong. It was created long ago by someone and they did not have access to change it. I claimed the listing and was able to get the ownership of the listing. I made changes in the listing and added some good pictures, Now Google local listing looks professional and bring new customers.
Yelp is another great source for new customers. I set up a very professional Yelp page for the Rangoli Sweets. Yelp activities shows that many customers have found Rangoli Sweets in Yelp and contacts them.

For this website, I hired someone from upwork.com to rewrite the content provided by the Narayan ji. This resulted into professional looking content for a smaller price.